My name is Dogo and living a simple life has saved my life
I used to be a pack rat. I had so many things that I thought I loved, but the truth was I couldn't even appreciate any of it because there was too much.
Things were terrible. I had a job I hated, a home I didn't want to live in, and I couldn't hold a relationship
How I turned things around
I was on the verge of a breakdown when I got a rid of everything I literally put 90% of my possessions in the garbage, sold my place and moved into a smaller apartment, and I quit my job.
It wasn't easy at all, but everything around me was in a such a bad place, I didn't know what else to do. And it worked
Now I live the simple life
Now that I am living a simple life, things a much better. I'm less stressed, enjoy life and work more, and I have more free time to enjoy.
With how much it turned my life around, I felt like I had no choice but to start sharing how I did it, and how others can benefit from living a simple life as well, which is why I started this site