Living the simple life

A blog exploring minimalism in life

Find simplicity in your life

desktop table with a lamp and clock

Life can get complicated really quick, but it doesn't have to be! There are many ways to simplify your life, a few of which we've explored in the past. This week we're taking a bit of approach through, in how you can find simplicity in the life you are already living.

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Keeping cooking simple

Do you hate meal planning? Do you waste a lot of money on food that never gets eaten? If so, then I want to share a solution that has made a HUGE difference in my life: simple eating.

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various wood table spoon with chocolate dessert

Simplicity and work

Simplicity grasps the essence or core and thus organizes what is apparently complex. Leonardo da Vinci claimed that "Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication".

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desktop with few  work items on the topd

Simple decorations

Take a look around your home. Look at all the furniture in each room carefully. Turn your head to the portraits hanging on the wall and the objects that sit on your tabletops. Does everything need to be there? Or can you do away with it? Minimalism is just that.

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bed corner with plant on a little table